Friday 1 October 2010

Which city?

My project brief is to design a wall mural for a Yo sushi resteraunt for a city of my choosing, obviously some citys will be easier/more intresting than others. I am deciding between Rome, a city i have always had an intrest in due to the history and London my own capital city.
The problem with rome is its very historical, all old ruins, the colloseum, gladiators, statues of semi naked people and of course the vatican city. A city is what it is and allthough i could do rome in a modern style it will be all old stuff and a pope (who is almost old enough to remember gladiators).
London has a nice mix of the old and the new, such as the tower of london, the big bridge thing, the palace and newer things such as the millenium bridge, london eye and the biggest waste of money ever the crappy gient tent, aka the dome. I would like to do two, one for each city but i doubt i would have time.

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