Monday 4 October 2010

What do you think when you say London Part III (music)

Music - If this is aimed at 15 - 25 year olds music would be an important part of it, London has had alot of famous musicians that people of all ages will of heard of such as the sex pistols and the clash.

Abby Road
Abby road studios is an incredibly famous recording studio in London were everything from albums to film scores are recorded.  Most famously the Beatles album Abby Road with probably one of the most famous album covers of all time.

One of the most famous music scenes of all time, made famous in London by bands such as the clash and the sex pistols.
Who would of though torn up union jacks, paper clips, randomly placed type cut from magazines and defacing the queens image could looks so good. ANARCHY!!!

The punk art style would look great if it was on the mural at somepoint, maybe if it actualy says london in punk style lettering?

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