Tuesday 12 October 2010

What iv learnt and what im going to do from here

The Yo sushi brand.
I have discovered from my research that the yo sushi brand is fun, bright, colourful happy and very youthful looking. They use alot of vector art witch is a style that alot of young people like, i have used it before in my work and people always like that style over all the others i have used so vector art has to be in there (yo sushi use it, and young people love it, sorted). They also use Kimmi dolls with speech bubbles to advertise deals and other things on the website so its possible that a kimmi doll would be a good thing to have in there.

Art Style Research
From researching artist i have decided that i want to use a paint based background to give it a messy arty style i have used this technique before and its looks shit hot if done well (a thank you for Richard Hatton for the messy art lessons) on this a London landmark such as the tower bridge will be drawn with something like stick and ink quite abstractly and simplistically for a background image. I will also try this without the image and just have a distressed background.
On top of this for the main images i will use vector art in the style of somebody like Rubens Lp (who is my favorite vector artist) and a mixture of that and hand drawn illustrations (probably Gerald Scarfe influenced) . This will be mixed in with some vector swirls and other random assortments of graphics witch seems to be the vector art way. I could mix this in with some sushi/Japanese bits and bobs such as fish, chopsticks and kimmidolls. 
I also may get a punk influence in there, im a huge fan of punk and the sex pistols and the clash were two of London's biggest bands.

None of this is set in stone, im hoping to do alot of experimenting and new ideas may pop into my mind.

Things that will/may be in my mural.

When i think of London i immediately think of tower bridge, The queens guards, English bobbys, punk, the stones/the who, red busses and big Ben. I imagine most people get that image or a very similar one when someone says London.
So my mural will be made of iconic London images landmarks and idols with some japaniese stuff mixed in there as well. 

The style i have chosen fits the yo sushi brand and it will appeal to the younger people that use fast food places such as yo sushi.....time to get drawing.

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