Monday 4 October 2010

What do you think when you say London. (landmarks)

The tower bridge

The London bridge is a very iconic image and would have to be on the mural at some point and i think this would make a good background image.

The tower of London

The infamous tower of london, this is the place you were sent to when you got on the wrong side of the person who was ruling at the time, lots of people were tortured and executed here. It was also a place for the army to store weapons and live.

The houses of parliament and big Ben

The houses of Parliament is the place were all the boring stuff happens that i dont really care about but the building looks nice and its quite iconic, it was recently seen and blown up in the film V for Vendetta and attempted to be blown up famously by Guy Forks. Big Ben is a very famous and iconic clock well known from being the main image of news at 10.

The London eye

The London eye is a giant ferris wheel that tourists can go on to get a great view of London, the wheel takes 30minutes to rotate so its not like a fair ground attraction. The London eye is a very modern looking thing and would proboly look good on the mural.

Buckingham Palace and Royal family

Im not sure why we have a royal family to be honest when the country is run by a Prime minister but the posh talking big toothed royals are quite iconic, well more stereotypical than iconic. The palace is an iconic building and everybody knows what it looks like so even though its a bit obvious it would work.   

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