Friday 1 October 2010

What do you think when you say Rome? Part I

Here i am researching into the things that make rome, rome.

The Colosseum

 This is deifinately the most iconic building in Rome, the building were slaves and animals were forced to fight to the death to entertain the citizens of Rome. Just that they could build things like this back then is pretty amazing.

Gladiators and the Centurion soldier

The soldiers of rome and men who were forced to fight in the colessuem and  the clothes they wore are iconic themselves as much as the building. Everybody knows what a gladiator and centurion looked like so it would make a good branding image. But then again voilence related things may not be what you want on the wall of a sushi place.
(i also like the art style of this image)

Vatican City & the Pope

The vatican is an amazing looking place full of great buildings, statues and artwork (it all looks very expensive)
The vatican is obvously a huge part of rome, especailly when a new pope is being elected and thousonds of people go to see whos the new right hand.

I dont know if it would be suitable to have a pope on a wall in a sushi bar i think it could possibly offend christians and none christains alike. But he is quite iconic none the less.

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